How to Successfully Launch Your Own Startup

On Tuesday, May 9th 2017, MT Lindsey hosted a panel discussion on “How to successfully launch your own start-up”.

This event was a panel discussion featuring start-up founders giving advice on how to turn an idea into a business, working with co-founders, raising capital, pitfalls to avoid, and best practices to ensure that your start-up dream becomes a reality. With over 440 registrants, audience members had the opportunity to ask questions of and connect with the panelists as well. 

Panelists included Michael Siebel, Co-Founder to ,, socialcam, Ipsheeta Furtado, Co-Founder of Fluid Financial, Prakash Janakiraman, Co-Founder and Chief Architect,, Lauren Westbrook-McIntosh, the Global Marketing Lead for Facebook Blueprint, and Mandela Schumacher-Hodge of Kapor Capital. Firms that specialize in providing services to start-ups and new businesses attended as well.

Marco Lindsey